Host: | Paul Dybdahl |
Guests: | Alex Bryan and Paddy McCoy |
Quarter: | Evangelism and Witnessing |
Lesson: | 6 |
Sabbath: |
Most of us live in an increasingly specialized society. General practitioners are being replaced by specialists in almost every field. What about evangelism? Can anybody be a witness for Jesus, or is our job merely to support the professionals as they communicate the gospel?
- What is the most influential factor that leads to a person giving his or her life to Christ?
- According to recent research, most of those who are baptized after an evangelistic series will say that they came to the meetings because of an invitation from someone they knew. Clearly, familial and friendship networks are important in evangelism.
- Why do you suppose this is the case?
- What are some examples of “personal evangelism” in Scripture?
- The Adult Sabbath School lesson suggests that those who witness ought to be living a consistent life in which their words match their deeds. Secondly, the lesson stresses the need for a strong spiritual life prior to witnessing. In other words, we must know Jesus well before we can share him with others. After all, we can’t share what we don’t have!
- Is this true? Can we witness for Christ in the midst of personal struggles and doubts? Can someone who struggles with sin still be an effective personal witness for Jesus? How does Matthew 28:17-20 (especially vs. 17) speak to this issue?
- Can you think of biblical examples that would suggest that those who are most uncertain of their fitness for witnessing are actually the best witnesses of all?
- Is there ever a time when we should “hold back” from witnessing because of our own doubts or struggles?
- How important is our motivation for witnessing? Should be witness even if we don’t feel like it (perhaps out of a sense of duty?), or is this ultimately counterproductive?
- In John 1:35-42, Andrew hears Jesus, and then brings his brother Simon Peter to Jesus. Later in the New Testament, this same Simon Peter gives counsel to wives who have husbands who “do not believe the word” (1 Peter 3:1-2).
- Is it easier to witness to friends or to close family members? Why?
- What are the unique challenges to bringing family members to Jesus?
- According to 1 Peter 3:1-2, how is it that wives were to win their husbands? In general, is this a good strategy for personal evangelism outside the home?
- In 1 Cor. 9:21-23, Paul describes his willingness to “become” a different person in order to reach different audiences. He says, “To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.”
- What does it mean to “become all things to all people”?
- Is this a good strategy for personal evangelism?
- What are the dangers of such an approach?
- How does one emulate Paul while still being an authentic, genuine witness?