Host: | Alden Thompson |
Guests: | Brant Berglin and Albert Handal |
Quarter: | God’s Love and Justice |
Lesson: | 9 |
Sabbath: | March 1st, 2025 |
Relevant Verses: Gen 1-3; Isa 14; Ezek 28; Matt 4, 13; Eph 6; Rev 12
Theme: “The Cosmic Conflict”
Leading Question: What passages in the Bible teach most clearly that there is a cosmic conflict?
Genesis 1-3: Tree and the Serpent
Isaiah 14: Fall of Lucifer (King of Babylon)
Ezekiel 28: Covering Cherub (King of Tyre)
Matthew 4:1-11: Wilderness Temptation
Matthew 13:24-27: An Enemy at work
Ephesians 6:12: We Wrestle Not against Flesh and Blood
Revelation 12:7-9: War in Heaven
Question: If you were uninitiated, which of these passages would be most helpful? Here is each passage, noting the questions, strengths and weaknesses of each passage:
Genesis 1-3: The tree and the serpent, the serpent being “more crafty than any other wild animal that the Lord God had made.”
Isaiah 14: The Lucifer passage: Addressed to King of Babylon; the identification of Satan is first made explicit by the church Father, Tertullian (d. 240 AD).
Ezekiel 28: The “covering cherub in Eden” passage, like the Lucifer passage, not explicitly identified until 200 years after Christ.
Matthew 4: The Wilderness Temptation passage, where all the players and issues are clear.
Matthew 13: An Enemy at work, but not identified.
Ephesians 6:12: Issues clearly identified.
Revelation 12:7-9: War in heaven, key actors and issues all clearly identified.
Question: On balance, does the Bible make a “cosmic conflict” clear?