Host: | Paul Dybdahl |
Guests: | Brant Berglin and Carl Cosaert |
Quarter: | The Book of Acts |
Lesson: | 2 |
Sabbath: |
Relevant Verses: Acts 2
Leading Question: The title of our lesson today is Pentecost. What does this word mean?
1. The “Pentecost” of Acts 2 is often called the birthday of the church. The word itself means “fiftieth.” How can a first birthday be started at the number fifty? What’s going on here? What is the significance of this particular Jewish festival?
2. In Acts 2:1-4, the coming of the Holy Spirit is described in dramatic terms. How should we understand the events described here? What is important for us to notice?
Should followers of Jesus seek out and expect similar experiences today?
What are the dangers of seeking such an experience?
What are the dangers of avoiding or denying such experiences?
Which danger is greatest for the church today? How about for you, personally?
3. In Acts 2:4, the Holy Spirit enabled Jesus’ followers to speak in tongues.
What is the gift being described here?
Is this the same gift of tongues that is described in 1 Corinthians 12-14?
Should all believers expect to receive this gift of tongues?
4. Read Acts 2:14-36.
Peter begins his sermon by declaring that the Pentecost experience is a fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy regarding the last days. So, when did the last days begin?
Which of the signs mentioned (the pouring out of the Spirit on all people, the prophetic gift, the signs in the heavens, salvation for all who call on the name of the Lord) seems most significant to you?
In the last days, is the gift of prophecy given to few or to many? If it is many, where are all the prophets today? How would we identify a prophet if we came across one? Have you ever prophesied?
In Peter’s gospel presentation, which is more heavily emphasized: the death of Jesus or the resurrection of Jesus? The humility of Jesus or the glorification and authority of Jesus? What is the significance of this? What should our emphasis be?
6. Acts 2:37-41 records the response to Peter’s testimony. What do we learn about repentance and baptism based on these passages?