Guests: and
Quarter: Discipleship
Lesson: 1
  1. Introduction:This lesson emphasizes the fact that Jesus was deeply committed to the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament of Genesis to Malachi. He studied, read and quoted from it regularly and clearly viewed it as authoritative. This should certainly cause us to wonder why some Christians disregard or treat as unimportant this section of scripture.
  2. Key Words to look up and understand: (see a good Bible dictionary)
    1. Disciple/discipleship (Matthew 28:19,20)
    2. Scripture (John 5:39)
    3. The prophets & Moses (Luke 24:27)
  3. Core Texts: (read and re-read and summarize the message)
    John 5:39,40
    Luke 4:1-12,16-21
    Luke 24:13-32
  4. Personal Application Questions:
    1. When we study scripture do we remember that Jesus is the center? How can we do that?
    2. Jesus used scripture to deal with temptation. Do we do the same? How does that help us in our battle with Satan?
    3. Satan uses scripture also (Luke 4:10,11). How can we be sure when we use scripture that we are doing so in the right way and are not deceived?
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