Host: | Paul Dybdahl |
Guests: | Carl Cosaert and Dave Thomas |
Quarter: | Walking the Walk, The Christian Life |
Lesson: | 4 |
Sabbath: |
Every culture has a hierarchy of values. This is usually informal, but each member of that culture comes to recognize that some values are more important than others. The lesson this week focuses on life-physical life, spiritual life, and social life. Clearly, God is interested in all three. How about us?
1. Of the three “arenas” of life mentioned above (physical, spiritual, and social) which is most important, based upon the hierarchy of values provided by your culture?
A. In the Old Testament, how would these three “lives” be ranked in terms of relative importance?
B. Based on the life and ministry of Jesus, how would these three be ranked?
2. (Mark 6:30-44) The only miracle performed by Jesus that is recorded in all four gospels is the miracle of feeding the 5,000. How might this help us arrive at an answer to the questions posed above?
3. (Mark 6:38-42; Luke 24:40-43) Jesus” miracles of physical healing show a great interest in the physical well-being of others. However, could Jesus himself have modeled a more healthy, balanced lifestyle? How did he deal with stress? Did he get enough sleep? Why wasn”t he a vegetarian-and why did he continue to eat meat even after his resurrection? Does his example again illustrate the correct hierarchy of physical, social, and spiritual life?
4. (Lev 11; Rom 14:17; Acts 10:9-23, Acts 10:27-29) Are there times when concern for our physical well-being isolates us from others-and even offends them? How should we deal with such situations? If Rom 14:17 is correct, on what basis would we defend dietary rules as appropriate tests of fellowship in the Adventist Church?
5. (John 3:1-21) Is the new birth usually an event or a process? Are all of us born spiritually in the same way, or is the new birth unique to each individual? What is the key element that marks the new birth experience?
6. In what way did Jesus model a healthy social life? How do we explain the fact that he never married?
7. (Acts 2:42-47) How can Christians build a close, cohesive fellowship without isolating themselves from the rest of the world?
8. (John 10:10) Jesus promised an abundant life. It seems that such a life would be attractive to all. Why is it, then, that Christianity appears so unattractive to many?