Guests: and
Quarter: The Wonder of Jesus
Lesson: 9

The Tenderness of His Love. Why should it seem important to note the “tenderness” of Jesus’ love?

Study and Discussion Questions

  1. A need to be reminded of God’s compassion? Mark 8:1-3 calls attention to Jesus’ compassion for hungry people, in this instance on the occasion of the feeding of the 4000. Why should it be noteworthy to call our attention to Jesus’ compassion? Do we need to be convinced or reminded that God cares for his children?
  2. Biblical examples of starving people? How do we reconcile the picture of a God manifest in Jesus who is concerned for hungry people when natural disasters strike down millions of people? Are there biblical examples of disasters when God seems to have been silent?
  3. Compassion for sinners: The adulterous woman (John 8). How does one explain the contrast between Jesus’ attitude toward the transgressor and what superficially, at least, is God’s willingness to wipe out sinners in the Old Testament? Nor does the New Testament escape. After all, the story of Ananias and Sapphira is indeed in the New Testament (Acts 5).
  4. Care for children: Matthew 19:13-15: Why was Jesus’ attitude to children different from that of the disciples? Where did their picture of God come from?
  5. Mary and Martha: Luke 10:38-42. How would we assess Jesus’ handling of both Mary and Martha when he was a guest in their home?
  6. Enemies: Matthew 5:44. How does one reconcile Jesus’ attitude toward his enemies, demonstrated in both his teaching and his life, and the attitude of many of the psalmists who were very angry with their enemies?
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