Lord of Our Priorities

July 2, 2005

Read: Exod. 19; Phil. 2; Ex.2:11-15; Mk 1:35; Job 1:1-5

Lord of Our Priorities. What can the believer expect when Jesus Christ takes control of our life? What happens to our priorities? What becomes first and foremost? In the words of C. S. Lewis: “I have not come to torment your natural self but to kill it” (Mere Christianity IV.8.4) If we do put Jesus first, can we expect peace or war?

  1. Israel at Sinai: Exodus 19. At Sinai, Israel promised the Lord that they would do all that he asked. Sometimes Christians have said that Israel gave the wrong response. How so? What should Israel have said?
  2. Christ’s example of emptying himself: Philippians 2:5-11. In this most famous of New Testament Christological passages, Paul notes that Christ “emptied himself” (2:7). To what extent was his emptying a model for us? What are the similarities and differences?
  3. Moses: An Old Testament example: Exod. 2:11-15. The contrasts in Moses life are stunning: from hunted baby to royal prince to hunted fugitive to shepherd to leader of a great throng. What benefits came to Moses as a result of putting God first? Did it make life easier or harder for him?
  4. Jesus in the early morning: Mark 1:35. Traditionally, Christians have pointed to Jesus’ devotional experience as the model for all of us, i.e. start the day with devotions. But is that wise for people who start the day slowly?
  5. Job: Losing everything: Job 2:1-10. To what extent can Christians expect to have a Joban experience if they put God first? What about all those promises of prosperity?

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