Host: | David Parks |
Guests: | Dan Solis and Henning Guldhammer |
Quarter: | Witnessing - Turning the World Upside Down |
Lesson: | 8 |
Sabbath: | August 19th, 2000 |
Background Considerations
As we share our faith with people around us the time will come when some of our contacts will be prepared to make a decision for Christ. Every Christian should be prepared to lead a seeker into that saving relationship. The basic outline to share on such an occasion might include the following:
- God loves you. John 3:16, I John 4:10
- We are separated from God because of sin. Rom 3:23, Is 59:1-2
- God has a plan to restore the relationship. Rom 6:23, I John 4:9
- We must receive Christ as our Savior and repent of our sins. Rom 10:9, I John 1:9
- Each of us must make a personal decision to allow Jesus into our lives. Rev 3:20, Joshua 24:15
- When we receive Christ as our Savior we receive power to become transformed people and to lead a new life. John 1:12, Phil 4:13.
Key Passages and Questions
- First Things First — Matt 28:20
- Describe a logical sequence of the Bible truths which should be presented to an interested person.
- Should our testimony focus on doctrine or relationships?
- What all should be included under the injunction “teach them to observe all things?” (Matt 28:20)
- Making Appeals — Acts 2:38, 3:19
- What are the essential elements in an appeal to accept Christ?
- How much teaching is necessary before an invitation to accept Christ is given?
- If no appeal is given and no decision is made, what may happen to the interest of the seeker?
- Confession of Faith — Rom 10:9-10
- Why do we encourage baptisms to occur in a corporate worship service? Is an oral confession of faith useful in connection with a person’s baptism?
- What reason for sharing your testimony is given in Rev 12:11?
- Baptism Mark — 16:15-16
- How much teaching should occur before a new convert is baptized?
- Why is baptism by immersion the only true method?
- Why was Jesus baptized?
- What should we learn from His baptism?