Quarter: Studies on Inspiration and Revelation
Lesson: 5
Sabbath: January 30th, 1999

Key Passages:

Deut. 31:24-26 – Moses writes down the law
1 Sam. 10:25 – Samuel writes down the rules of kingship
2 Chron. 36:22 – Jeremiah and Cyrus write for Scripture
cf. Ezra 1:1-3 – Same words as end of Chronicles
cf. Jer. 29:10 – Prophecy of the 70 years
Jer. 36 – Writing, burning, and writing the scroll again
2 Chron. 34 – Discovery of the lost book of the law
cf. 2 Kings 22 – (parallel passage)
1 Tim. 5:18 – “Laborer deserves pay” quoted as Scripture
cf. Matt. 10:10; Luke 10:7
cf. Deut. 25:4 – “Muzzled ox,” also cited in 1 Tim. 5:18
2 Pet. 3:15-16 – Paul cited as Scripture by Peter
1 Cor. 5:9 – Paul’s “lost” letter
Rom. 16:22 – Tertius the “writer” of Romans
1 Cor. 10:11 – Scripture examples are for our benefit

Key Questions:

1. Why do we rely on written Scripture rather than on oral messages?
2. How do the human processes of writing Scripture compare with the same processes used in non-sacred writing?
3. How does a written document gain its power and authority with a person or group?
4. Why do devout believers so easily overlook the human element in Scripture? Examples include the use of secretaries and sources, and the evidence for later editing.
5. If the Bible was written for our admonition and instruction (1 Cor. 10:11), how accurate do the examples have to be and how close do they have to be to our circumstances to be beneficial to us?
6. Can we learn how to relate to Scripture by looking at the way the New Testament writers relate to the Old Testament?
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