Quarter: Witnessing - Turning the World Upside Down
Lesson: 11
Sabbath: September 9th, 2000

Background Considerations

As we enter the twenty-first century, for the first time in history, the majority of the people in the world live in cities. Therefore in our outreach programs we must give more thought to the culture and needs of city dwellers. They face tremendous problems in cities around the world including massive unemployment, extreme poverty, overcrowding, disease, traffic jams, air and water pollution, lack of sewage, and garbage disposal, crime, drugs and prostitution.

Because of the culture they live in, city dwellers tend to be pragmatic, autonomous, pluralistic, compartmentalized, mobile, secular, technical, and impersonal. To reach their hearts for Christ we must think about their felt needs and how the Church could make an impact in meeting those needs. Many city dwellers need a sense of identity, a sense of community, fellowship with someone who cares, and hope for the future.

The right application of the message of Christ will meet those needs. Our approach to the cities should often include the following:

Cell Churches
Health seminars
Twelve Step programs
Literary classes
Small group ministry
Family Life Seminars
Family Finance Seminars
NEWSTART programs

Key Passages and Questions

  1. Friendship Evangelism — Acts 10:23-24
    • Why is a network of personal relationships the most effective means of spreading the gospel?
    • Why is friendship evangelism an especially good strategy for new converts to use?
    • What groups of people should be included in your friendship evangelism strategy?


  2. House Evangelism — Acts 28:20-24
    • Why should we not wait for ideal circumstances before we share out faith?
    • Describe additional settings where Paul shared his faith (Acts 20:20)
    • Should we expect that everyone we talk to will accept the gospel?


  3. Sabbath School Evangelism — Acts 18:1-4
    • Why are the Sabbath morning services a good time to do soul- winning?
    • How could we make the Sabbath services more evangelistic?
    • What topics for discussion will be most useful in a visitor’s or new convert’s Sabbath Schools class?


  4. Worship Service Evangelism — Acts 13:42-44
    • How did Paul manage to reach more than the regular synagogue attendees with his message?
    • What changes would be necessary to make our Sabbath worship services more evangelistic?
    • Would this be a useful strategy to put into practice?


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