Guests: and
Quarter: Witnessing - Turning the World Upside Down
Lesson: 9
Sabbath: August 26th, 2000

Background Considerations

Characteristics of Christian Community:
Rom 12:10 — Give preference to one another
Rom 13:8 — Love one another
I Cor 12:25 — Care for one another
Phil 2:4 — Look out for the interests of others
Eph 4:2 — Forbear one another
Eph 4:32 — Forgive one another/Be kind to one another
Luke 17:3-4 — Rebuke and forgive
Matt 5:39, 41 — Turn the other cheek/If compelled to go a mile, go two
Eph 5:21 — Submit to one another
Gal 6:1 — Restore in a spirit of gentleness
Gal 6:2 — Bear one another’s burdens
Col 3:16 — Teach and admonish one another
I Thess 5:11 — Encourage one another and build one another up
Heb 10:24-25 — Stir up one another to love and good works
James 5:16 — Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another

Key Passages and Questions

  1. Characteristics of the Church — Acts 2:42-47
    • What are the main purposes of the Church according to Acts 2?
    • Would the kind of socialism described in Acts 2:44-45 work in the Church today?
    • In what ways can unity and mutual concern among members be promoted in the Church today?
  2. The Praying Church — Acts 12:1-19
    • What do you think the believers were asking from God on behalf of Peter?
    • What do you think happened in their prayer meeting after Peter had come and gone?
    • What is needed in our prayer meetings today to make them more interesting and useful?
  3. Bold Witnesses — Acts 4:23-31
    • Instead of being intimidated by harassment and persecution, for what did these believers pray? (v. 29)
    • Why were they so confident that God was able to help them? (v. 24)
    • What was their view of the closing scenes in the life of Jesus? (vv. 27-28)
  4. Response to Christ’s Love — II Cor 8:1-9
    • What motivated the early Church to be so fervent in spreading the gospel?
    • How was this fervency reflected in their giving to Christ’s cause?
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