Guests: and
Quarter: The Bibles View on Humanity
Lesson: 2
Sabbath: April 10th, 1999

Key Passages:

Psalm 8:1-9; 139:13-16
1 Corinthians 6:18-20

Key questions:

The Biblical story of creation includes a scene where God fashions the first human being out of clay from the ground. The biblical view of humanity is concretely physical.

  1. The Psalmist speaks of humans being fearfully and wonderfully made. What does a study of the human body reveal about God?
  2. Paul speaks of our bodies as the temple of the Holy Spirit. We worship in churches, not temples. Could we say that the body is the “church” of the Holy Spirit?
  3. In practical terms, if we believe that our bodies are the temple of the Spirit of God, how does that affect our behavior?
  4. Not much in the Bible is said about the need for exercise and the avoidance of being overweight. In fact, being “fat” is often the way being wealthy is described in the Bible. One never knew when a famine might arise. Today we have labor saving devices and sit on car seats instead of walking to our appointments. So, what is the Bibleís perspective on health and healthful living?
  5. How much do we know about the body, compared to what we do not know? For instance, the field of genetics has undergone a massive explosion of knowledge. What are the challenges to Christian understanding in the study of life on the micro level?
  6. Many young persons, especially North American young women, are not comfortable with their appearance. Anorexia and bulimia run rampant. And men, too, may invest years of exercise and special dietary supplements chiseling out a “buff” appearance. Others pay for face lifts and surgical strategies to counter the effects of aging or to approximate the standards of physical attractiveness. From a Christian perspective, any thoughts on this?
  7. What is the connection between the body and the mind? Does a person need a healthy body to have a healthy spiritual life? What about asceticism or the denial of bodily appetites for the sake of spiritual growth?
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