Host: | Darold Bigger |
Guests: | Julian Melgosa and Larry Veverka |
Quarter: | Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions |
Lesson: | 11 |
Sabbath: |
Proverbs 23:29-35; 1 Corinthians 7:2-5; Mat 25:15-30; Mark 10:17-27; 1 Pet 3:3-4
Memory Text: John 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
- What of the Bible texts that don’t discourage and even seem to allow or support the use of alcohol?
- How can we discourage its use without driving it underground or alienating those who are using or addicted to it?
- How might the Adventist church support and help addicted members or guests?
- If the more we have sex the more we need to satisfy us (lesson page 233) wouldn’t we be better off not to have sex at all?
- If professional help to overcome this addiction is sometimes necessary, what of those who have had or now have no access to such help?
- How can we appropriate God’s forgiveness?
- Should we confess our sexual misdeeds to others we may have hurt, like other participants, spouses and family members?
- What can God do to restore, heal and free us from this and other addictions?
- Does this addiction function differently than other addictions?
- Is all gambling wrong or only if it becomes addictive?
- Is buying a raffle ticket for a community fund-raiser the same as gambling?
Love of Money
- Since it’s our attitude toward money rather than money itself that creates the problem, what attitudes toward money are dangerous?
- E.g. Quest for it consumes us
- E.g. Base security on money rather than on God
- E.g. Source of our identity
- E.g. Become selfish
- Is it OK to save money for future use rather than give it away now to needy causes and people?
- E.g. many church people used to discourage trust funds for family and endowment funds.
- E.g. many church people used to refuse life insurance.
- Believed it showed disbelief in the immanent second coming.
- They trusted God to take care of their future.
Personal Image
- Excessive time, money and abuse are certainly a problem, but how far do we carry this?
- Would not the opposite extreme be bad too: sloppy, dirty, unhealthy and low self-esteem?
- Are there positive aspects to presenting and preserving a good personal image?
- E.g. good health, pleasure for others, express joy, add beauty to the world, etc.
- What drives us to seek recognition?
- How can we as families and friends positively acknowledge others?
- Might lots of affirmation ward off unhealthy practices like eating disorders and physically harmful practices?
- What general comments can we make about treatment for addictions?
- Are there specialized approaches or realities that apply to specific addictions?